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Sketchbooking for Botanical Art

Join artist and board member Tara Connaughton

Tara will guide us through the process of sketchbooking along with some surprise guests! Bring your sketchbook too and show us your work!

Tara will guide us through the process of sketchbooking along with some surprise guests! Bring your sketchbook too and show us your work!

Keeping a sketchbook may have different meanings to different people! And how do you start one?

Spring and summer are perfect for sketchbook activity.....

-Let’s talk about how sketchbbooking is a *fun* and low-stress way to bring more art into your day

- Learn about some favorite materials for keeping a botanical sketchbook (watercolor-friendly journals, supplies for in the studio and in the field, helpful ‘accessories’, etc…)

- We’ll talk about different ways to use your sketchbook and where to find inspiration and prompts

- Find out how sketchbooking can help you improve and develop your art skills (botanical and otherwise)

- Get a sneak-peek into some of your fellow members’ sketchbooks and hear how they use them
